Building Stewards

As the backbone of our union, Building Stewards play a central organizing role for Local 988 by promoting the union to their fellow employees, organizing the members at their work site, and helping their fellow members through the grievance process. They lead by example, help organize our membership, and work tirelessly to ensure that all workers on the job site have favorable working conditions, good wages, and benefits.

2024 Stewards Conference

Annual Steward Conference

One of the biggest events of the year for Local 988 is our Annual Steward Conference, which is a full day that includes multiple workshops and opportunities to learn from Local 988’s Executive Board and Staff, as well as from speakers from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and other organizations, as well.

Our goal each year is not only to give our building stewards the necessary information they need to do well in the position, but to empower them to make positive changes at the work site.

Do you want to become a Building Steward?

Becoming a steward can be a long, but rewarding process that is earned through:

  • Participation in Local 988 activities, including regularly attending General Membership meetings

  • Establish a working relationship with your Business Representative

  • A willingness to help fellow members

  • Volunteering for Local 988 activities

  • Having knowledge of your craft and contract

  • Mediating skills

If you are interested in fulfilling this role, please contact your Business Representative.

Clay, Steward at Transdev